
SMS Solutions to Common Healthcare Constraints

Every industry must deal with constraints. Maybe it’s related to budgets or funding.  Perhaps it’s related to resources and how to allocate and utilize them best. It’s possible time is of essence and feels like there is never enough to accomplish everything. The past several years have shown that using what you know and already have is one way to make the most of your current resources and handling constraints.

Communication has become one of the most necessary tools to make the most of your resources. How you communicate matters and is as important as the words you use. We have found that when you are engaging and have higher response rates with SMS, you are able to see a greater ROI for your industry and organization.

46.7% overall SMS response rate compared to email

One of the greatest constraints every industry faces with technology is related to training and usability.

  • How long will this take to implement?
  • How long will this take to train users?
  • How much maintenance will be required?

SMS is already familiar to you in personal use. A solid product will mimic what you already know and be easy to use. Texting puts time back in your pocket (where maybe you keep your phone for quick access since you check it throughout the day).

A quality SMS solution should include:

  • User experience and interface that looks and feels like your personal device
  • A solid customer experience team to help with any questions
  • Simple updates that are asynchronous and update in the background

SMS Solutions to Common Healthcare Constraints Infographic

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