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Maximize Marketing Impact: Leverage SMS for Higher Engagement and Conversion

Leverage SMS for Higher Engagement and Conversion

Last week we posted about how you can boost your marketing funnel & efficiency with some helpful tips on how to harness SMS in marketing and ultimately outperform competitors. Keeping all that in mind, we’ll now introduce what quick communication with SMS can lead to in terms of higher engagement and conversion.


Integrating SMS into your marketing strategy drives higher engagement and enhances lead conversion. By deploying targeted, personalized text messages at pivotal moments of the buyer journey, marketers are better able to maintain interest and guide prospects closer to a sale.

Direct, immediate SMS dialogue creates a personal touch with prospects, cementing stronger relationships. Marketers can quickly clarify doubts or relay timely information, crucial for tipping the scales during the decision-making process.

SMS stands out with its impressive open and response rates, far eclipsing traditional channels, ensuring messages not only reach prospects but prompt immediate action. This translates into material improvements in conversion rates and further drives the marketing and sales pipeline.

Compelling data from TextUs underscores the pivotal role of SMS for substantial improvement at various funnel stages, solidifying it as an indispensable tool for pipeline expansion and sales growth. Experience shows leads engaging with SMS have a favorable initial response—8%, surpassing the industry standard of 5% for cold email responses.

sms reply rate

Marketers are witnessing a substantial uplift in conversions as SMS-engaged leads progress through the funnel. Leads involved in SMS communication saw a 10% upswing in transitions from lead to Sales Qualified Lead (SQL). These SQLs graduate to qualified opportunities at an improved rate of 10.5%, and, impressively, TextUs data shows a 23% increase in conversion from opportunities to closed deals with a 31% win rate using SMS.


Let’s illustrate the average sales sales funnel given these conversion improvements.

sms sales funnel examples & sms sales funnel template


Given the improvements in conversion, let’s take a scenario where initial marketing-led outreach drives 500 contacts into the sales funnel. With the conversion lift that SMS has proven to show through the full sales funnel, this seller would stand to close 50% more deals utilizing text messaging properly throughout the buyer journey.


sms sales funnel examples & sms sales funnel template

Interested in learning more about integrating SMS into your marketing strategy? Download our eGuide, Unlock Sales Growth: The Untapped Potential of SMS Marketing, now or stay tuned next week for Part 3: 12 Text Message Examples of How to Generate More Pipeline With SMS.

State of SMS Engagement 2024

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