Blog Post

Unlocking the Power of MMS in Modern Industries

mms messaging for business

Last week, we discussed what SMS is and how incorporating it into your communication strategy can lead to higher customer engagement, increased efficiency, and overall better business performance. Now let’s dive and discuss another tool that can help elevate your business, MMS messaging! Believe it or not, most people use this method for sending messages every day.

MMS can be a powerful tool for businesses across various industries. Technology continuously evolves and the language in communication evolves with it. The advantages of MMS are becoming a critical component of modern sales, staffing, and marketing strategies. This post explores the origins and benefits of MMS, its application in different industries, and how businesses can leverage this tool using TextUs.

mms messaging for business

The Origin and Evolution of MMS

MMS, or Multimedia Messaging Service, was developed as an extension of SMS technology. While SMS can only send text, symbols, and emojis, the need for sharing richer content such as photos, videos, audio files, and GIFs led to the inception of MMS.

By 2002, MMS had started gaining traction and major mobile operators worldwide would adopt this technology. By the 2010’s, with the introduction of smartphones, MMS transformed how people and businesses share information beyond plain text.

Key Benefits of MMS Communication

MMS offers a wide range of benefits for industries looking to improve their sales, staffing, or marketing strategies.

  • Enhanced Engagement: Studies show that MMS messages could have a 15% higher click-through rate when compared to just sending a text-only message. If it’s appropriate and relevant to include multimedia content, the message will capture the user’s attention more effectively, resulting in higher engagement rates.
  • Increased Brand Awareness: MMS can help businesses stand out and leave a lasting impression on customers. By incorporating branding elements such as logos or custom designs, MMS messages can help increase brand recognition and awareness among customers. It also allows businesses to showcase their products or services in a more visually appealing way. This can lead to a stronger brand image and customer loyalty.
  • Higher Response Rates: In some industries, MMS messages have a higher response rate compared to traditional SMS. This is because MMS is more visually appealing and can convey information more effectively, making customers more likely to take action. With the ability to add interactive elements such as surveys or polls, businesses can gather valuable feedback from their customers.

If you’re wondering whether to utilize MMS in your messaging strategy, check out some pros and cons of SMS & MMS.


business mms

The Role of MMS in Different Industries

MMS can benefit a variety of industries like retail, healthcare, real estate, and more. Here are some examples of how businesses can use MMS to their advantage.


  • Send product images or videos to showcase new arrivals or promotions
  • Run promotions & contests for customers to engage with and win prizes
  • Offer personalized discount codes or flash sale alerts


  • Send appointment reminders with relevant health tips or instructions
  • Share educational videos or infographics to promote healthy habits
  • Conduct surveys for patient satisfaction or feedback on services

Real Estate:

  • Send property listings with photos and virtual tours
  • Share important updates on open houses or special offers
  • Send personalized messages to potential homebuyers based on their preferences and interests


  • Share images or videos of new car models and features
  • Send maintenance reminders with special offers for services
  • Send appointment confirmations or updates on vehicle repairs

Sports Franchises & Organizations:

  • Send game highlights and behind-the-scenes footage to engage with fans
  • Promote ticket sales or special events through MMS messages
  • Conduct surveys and gather feedback from fans attending games

business mms

Leverage MMS for your Industry with TextUs

At TextUs, we understand the benefits of MMS in modern communication strategies. Our platform is designed to help businesses engage with their audience effortlessly. With TextUs, you can:

  • Create Compelling Campaigns: Use our intuitive tools to design and send MMS campaigns that captivate your audience.
  • Keywords & Sequences to Drive More Pipeline: Use our automation tools to schedule messages in advance, automate responses, create drip campaigns, and monitor messages all in one place.
  • Track Performance: Gain insights with advanced analytics to measure the impact of your MMS campaigns and optimize for better results.
  • Seamless Integration: Easily integrate TextUs with your existing CRM and marketing platforms to streamline your communication workflows.

MMS is much more than just sending photos or videos; it’s a powerful tool that can enhance customer engagement, improve brand awareness, and foster stronger relationships. With platforms like TextUs, leveraging the power of MMS has never been easier. Don’t miss out on the potential of MMS—schedule a demo and see what our platform can do for your communication strategy today!

State of SMS Engagement 2024

Looking to increase engagement with your candidates, prospects, and customers in 2024? Look no further! We conducted a survey paired with usage data to figure out which communication channels are most effective for which industry and size. Discover all of the tips about business communication and download our free report today!

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